3 Easy Ways to Improve Any Relationship

So often in life we struggle with having harmony in our relationships.  More than once I have found myself arguing with people only to realize later how unnecessary the argument truly was. I found myself getting defensive, irritated, assuming the worst about other people’s intentions towards me. I was creating an enemy out people who probably were only trying to help me solve a common problem, or do the best they could under the circumstances. Unfortunately, I let my fear get the best of me and I didn’t take the time to see the bigger picture. These situations happen in every kind of environment, at work, with friends, loved ones, and even strangers.  So I began to ask myself how to avoid the stress of these types of relationship difficulties, because I found they were creating stress, tension, and unhappiness in my life. I came up with the following answers I would like to share with you. Also, as I am always looking for more ways to improve my relationships I would love to hear your ideas in the comments below. 1. Try to Understand Where the Other Person is Coming From This is one of the best ways to … Continue reading

How to Overcome Your Fear of Failure and Face It Head On

So many times in life we are afraid to try something new, go after what we really want, and expose ourselves to failure and rejection. So often we find ourselves plagued by fear and afraid to put ourselves out there.  Lately, I have been confronting this issue.  I have been in the process of launching a new endeavor and find that as I put myself out into the world in a new way, old thoughts creep in. Up until recently I have been a theatre director and so at times like these I tend to reach for theatre analogies.  The whole process of creating something and then sending it out into the world is familiar to me.  This experience reminds me of opening night.  Prior to opening night I have been creating in a cocoon, my struggles have been behind the sacred walls of the rehearsal room.  It hasn’t been easy, sometimes it has been messy, sometimes miraculous, but through it all it has been shielded from outside eyes.  Finally opening night comes and it is time to draw back the curtain. As I sit at the back of the darkened theatre I wait desperately for that first laugh, a … Continue reading

How to Slow Down, Be Present, Make Every Moment Count and Remember That Life is Groovy

“Slow down, you move too fast. You got to make the morning last. Just kicking down the cobble stones. Looking for fun and feelin’ groovy.” – Simon and Garfunkel – 59th Street Bridge Song As of late I am realizing how difficult it is to remember that life is groovy.  So often I find myself caught up in life’s inconsequential problems when really there is so much to celebrate.  Instead of acknowledging this, I get in a funk, beat myself up, and succumb to downward spiral thinking. So I asked myself, why is this?  Why do we let all the hassles, fears, and worries take over and control our emotions and actions? How do we slow down, make the morning last, and enjoy all that is groovy? When we are presented with a struggle or obstacle it becomes our focus.  We find ourselves concentrating on the gap, the distance between what we want and how to achieve it, instead of focusing on what is available to us right now- the power of the present moment. In the present moment anything is possible.   It is the only place where joy and miracles exist. Osho has a great quote that explains this … Continue reading